Well, it's almost over...  

Posted by Jessica in , ,

I took my comprehensive exams today. I feel pretty good about how I did. I didn't think I would remember so much and felt most of my answers were comprehensive enough to answer the question but not to the point where I am just blabbering. I tested on 5 out of my 6 core classes. I answer one question per class and had 6 hours to complete the exams. In case you are wondering what these 5 classes are, they are; Research Methods, The Administrative Process, Public Policy Analysis, Public Personnel Administration, and Organizational Theory and Bureaucratic Structure. I skipped the Grantwriting question which just requires writing a grant.

So, when I turned in my five large blue books, I was given a case, and I have two weeks to do a case study and then I turn it into my graduate committee who read it and then I orally defend my case study to them.

Oh yes, I don't know how I did on my exams until they are graded, and I don't expect that to happen immediately. You aren't given a letter grade, just a "Superior", "Satisfactory", or "Unsatisfactory."

I shall keep you updated. Thank you all for your support, your prayers, and your best wishes. Now if I could only find a job post graduation...


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