A Friend You Should Know About.  

Posted by Jessica in , ,

Rob is his name. This is his blog. I don't think he'll mind me mentioning this, as he has gone public in a big way, but Rob is another victim of abuse that was ignored by the LDS Church. He left home one day to go babysitting. A happy little boy who lit up the room with his smile, he returned home in white pants that were now red with blood. From the Seattle Weekly article:

"A lawsuit Robert recently filed against the Utah-based Mormon church in Washington federal court alleges that Joe violated him in an apartment room, a swimming pool, a steam bath at Sand Point Naval Air Station (the Scoutmaster was in the Navy), and a Motel 6 in Issaquah. That last locale was the setting for the most sadistic attack, according to the language of the suit: '[Joe] used physical violence against Rinde, sodomizing him and forcing Rinde to orally copulate [him]. [Joe] then took a wire coat hanger and forced it into Rinde's urethra causing him to hemorrhage and causing chronic and irreparable injury to his penis and urogenital system.'"

This is just one reason why we cannot be silent about this epidemic. An epidemic made worse by religions and organizations who refuse to do what they are legally, morally, and/or ethically required to do.

Rob survived the unimagineable, why should we expect and let any other child go through the same thing? Why should we allow our elected officials to treat their religion any better than the other religions? Tell me, Rep. Ruchti.


Thank you Jessica for telling my story on your blog. I really appreciate it, the more people know the more their eyes will be opened. As you may know our law firm is withdrawing from my case on Friday July 27, 2007. I have been working my tail off trying to find another lawyer. No easy task considering the short amount of time I was/is allowed.
If I go with the withdraw or dismissal I am told I have no future claim against the church and the cover up. I certainly do not have the funds nor the experience to litigate this myself. The sad part is, I never wanted millions or luxury, just my psych and medical bills paid. The church would start to pay them on several occasions then choose to stop. It has been a rollercoaster, not only of emotion but of accountability.
So, here I sit at 4:42am thinking of everyway possible to help my cause.
Side note, I wrote every Presidential candidate about my plight, not one word. Lawyers to politicians are deaf to us.

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