I'm writing to you from a Starbuck's in Epping, New Hampshire. I've picked up a coffee habit, much to the disappointment of my mother. Sorry, ma, but these candidates have wicked nasty schedules and I can't survive without legal substances to sustain me.
I greeted Mitt at a private airport in Portsmouth, New Hampshire last night. Surprisingly extra upbeat and optimistic. I thought he would be, but he was even moreso than I imagined. He's a really good actor. I guess when you have to be a phony your entire adult life, that comes easy after awhile.
I'm sad about Edwards, so terribly sad. What a good and decent man. I still have faith though. I won't stop believing until Edwards tells me to. We need more than hope and words, we need action.
I got about 3.5 hours of sleep, in two different chunks, last night, so I am pretty exhausted but still have 3 more events to attend today. I also have a ton of work to do after the events, so pity me a little bit please! If you happen to catch any Robot events, look for me. ;)
I'll keep you updated as much as I can the next few days. I don't watch the news, so please fill me in if you are noticing anything that would interest me. Like my friend, Trevor, told me today that the press is going after Robot/Mitt hardcore and saying McCain will win NH. I believe it, but please do share, as I would love to know what the pundits/talking heads are saying!
Peace out.