Alone on Thanksgiving.
Posted by Jessica in Boston, Maine, New Hampshire, Seattle, Work
This year I didn't go back to Seattle for Thanksgiving because I thought I would be able to for Christmas. With my new job duties, it looks like I may be stuck here for Christmas and so my holidays might be spent completely alone. Last year I was stuck in Pocatello alone, but I was able to visit one of my best friends in the hospital and I knew for sure I was going home for Christmas.
So, rather than continue feeling sorry for myself, I reminded myself of where I have been in the last 3 weeks;
New Jersey
North Country of New Hampshire (the northern and mountainous parts that are absolutely breathtakingly beautiful and remind me of the areas near Yellowstone National Park)
Washington D.C.
and I finally made it to Vermont, which is BEAUTIFUL!
So, my life is pretty sweet, even though I won't have a Thanksgiving dinner and will be by myself in a hotel room in Portsmouth (I decided to hole myself up in a hotel on the coast near Maine because I got a great deal and I would rather be here than in Concord).
So...HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Think of me when you are biting into a delicious slice of turkey, eating some mashed potatos, eating a slice of pie, and sitting down with your loved ones.