“A large share of the ingenuity of the world is taxed to invent weapons of war. What a set of fools! I wonder if they think that they will never die,unless they kill one another. Is there any danger of their living here forever? Not a bit of it. Let the people alone, and they will die of themselves, without killing them. But much of the skill, ingenuity, and ability of the Christian nations are now devoted to manufacturing instruments of death. May we be saved from the effects of them! As I often tell you, if we are faithful, the Lord will fight our battles much better than we can ourselves. We should be apt to get nervous in fighting battles, and sometimes get into corners were we might almost have to take a little gun powder to encourage us – to nerve up our energy– or have to burn some under our noses to become a little used to it. When the Lord fights the battles of the Saints, he does it so effectually that nobody gets nervous but the enemy….When those who profess to be Saints contend against the enemies of God through passion of self will, it is then man against man, evil against evil, the powers of darkness against the powers of darkness…How easy it is for the Almighty to direct the steps of our enemies, until they fall off the precipice and be dashed in pieces, without the efforts of his servants."
(President BRIGHAM YOUNG, made in the Bowery, February 10, 1861.)
"Of one thing I am sure; God never institutes war; God is not the
author of confusion or of war; they are the results of the acts of
the children of men. Confusion and war necessarily come as the
results of the foolish acts and policy of men; but they do not
come because God desires they should come."
Brigham Young (Disc. 13:149)
"Our traditions have been such that we are not apt to look upon
war between two nations as murder; but suppose that one family
should rise up against another and begin to slay them, would they
not be taken up and tried for murder? Then why not nations that
rise up and slay each other in a scientific way be equally guilty
of murder? Does it justify the slaying of men, women, and
children that otherwise would have remained at home in peace,
because a great army is doing the work? No: the guilty will be
damned for it." Brigham Young (Disc. 7:137)
"To take possession by conquest or the shedding of blood is
entirely foreign to our feelings." Joseph Smith (HC 2:122)
"... we here express to you ... our decided disapprobation to
the idea of shedding blood, if any other course can be followed
to avoid it; in which case, and which alone, we have urged upon
our friends to desist, only in extreme cases of self defense;
and in this case not to give the offense or provoke their fellow
men to acts of violence." JS (HC 2:459-60)
"Peace will come and be maintained only through the triumph of
the principles of peace, and by the consequent subjection of the
enemies of peace, which are hatred, envy, ill-gotten gain, the
exercise of unrighteous dominion of men. Yielding to these evils
brings ... war among nations, with resultant misery and death."
D. McKay (IE 47:657-58, 708)
"... contention, strife, and hatred are manifest between ...
advocates of nazism, fascism, communism, and capitalism. No
matter how excellent any of these may seem in the minds of
their advocates, none will ameliorate the ills of mankind unless
its operation in government be impregnated with the basic
principles promulgated by the Savior of men...
"Activated by that Spirit, leaders will think more of men than
of the success of a system. Kindness, mercy, and justice will
be substituted for hatred, suspicion, and greed. There is no
road to universal peace which does not lead into the hearts
of humanity." D. McKay (IE 47:657-58, 708)
"With the Spirit of Christ in their hearts, no nation will
arrogate to itself superiority over others but give to each
nation, however small, however seemingly backward, the right
to self-determination." McKay (IE 47:657-58, 708)
"War is basically selfish. Its roots feed in the soil of envy,
hatred, desire for domination. ... They who cultivate and
propagate it spread death and destruction and are enemies of
the human race. War originates in the hearts of men who seek
to despoil, to conquer, or to destroy other individuals or
groups of individuals. Self-exaltation is a motivating factor;
force, the means of attainment...
War impels you to hate your enemies.
The Prince of Peace says, Love your enemies.
War says, curse them that curse you.
The Prince of Peace says, pray for them that curse you.
War says, injure and kill them that hate you.
The risen Lord says, do good to them that hate you.
"We see that war is incompatible with Christ's teachings. The
gospel of Jesus Christ is the gospel of peace. War is its
antithesis and produces hate. It is vain to attempt to
reconcile war with true Christianity.
"Notwithstanding all this, I still say that there are
conditions when entrance into war is justifiable, and when
a Christian nation may, without violation of principles,
take up arms against an opposing force.
"Such a condition, however, is not a real or a fancied insult
given by one nation to another...Neither is there justifiable
cause found in a desire or even a need for territorial
expansion...Nor is war justified in an attempt to enforce a
new order of government, or even to impel others to a particular
form of worship, however better the government or eternally
true the principles of the enforced religion may be.
"There are, however, two conditions which may justify a truly
Christian man to enter -- mind you, I say enter, not begin --
a war: (1) an attempt to dominate and to deprive another of his
free agency, and (2) loyalty to his country. Possibly there is a
third, viz., defense of a weak nation that is being unjustly
crushed by a strong, ruthless one." McKay (CR April 1942)